Kaifu Lee, the former head of Google’s China operations, now works as CEO and chief executive for Innovation Works in Taiwan. He once posted an interview time schedule on his Facebook, showing the long evaluation process from day to night. During the proc

Kaifu Lee, the former head of Google’s China operations, now works as CEO and chief executive for Innovation Works in Taiwan. He once posted an interview time schedule on his Facebook, showing the long evaluation process from day to night. During the process, interviewees will be evaluated by Eric Schmidt (former president and chief executive), have a meeting, and even have dinner together with leaders and colleagues from other departments.



What is the whole process? How to stand out with such fierce competition? Take a deep breath! Here is the interview schedule Kaifu Lee once had.




From left to right, Sergey Brin, Eric Schmidt, Larry Page Photo:Chinese News Agency

Before embracing the challenges from other colleagues, the first key thing you should bear in mind is to have a well-prepared resume. KFl once said, “From my perspective, the number of acceptable resumes is no more than 10%. About 90% will lose its chance to attract the interviewers.” To help you prepare a nice resume, Mr. Lee has seven suggestions for you.

1. Be concise and no more than 2 pages 

● Look online for sample resumes

●Your self-introduction should account for about one sixth of the resume. The rest should be academic qualifications and experience related to your specialized field, past organizations you have worked for, your skill set and achievements.

2.Information to avoid

● You don’t need to write down your expected salary in your CV

● You don’t need to tell your sexuality, age or your marital status in your CV

● Avoid using fancy letter styles, color and formats

● Avoid excess technical terminology

● You don’t need to stress on less important achievements from your college

3. Use figures

● You need to use less adjectives or adverbs, because these words will give others an impression that you are lacking experience. Instead, it’s better for you to use figures

● You need to use figures in your CV. For example; I helped reduce 10% of the project costs 

4.Use suitable verbs

● You need to change the words in CV to suite different situations. For example, if you want to work in the financial field, you could use the words like predicted or analyzed. If you want to work for marketing or promotion, you may consider words like promoting or accelerating. These verbs will attract the personnel manager’s attention and will help you stand out above the rest

5. No mistakes in your CV

● You need to check your spelling in your CV, because any mistakes will leave a bad impression on your interviewers. It may cause them to question your abilities

6.Clarify the actual situation, do not exaggerate

● You don’t need to exaggerate the information in your CV. If any inconsistencies are found during the interview, you will fail it and your resume will be thrown away. If there is any information that may come off as exaggerated you can give a supplementary explanation to the interviewer

7.Customize your own CV

● You need to put emphasis on the work experience that most relates to the job you are interviewing for. We also recommend that you try to collect any information on the company you are applying too, and put what you know about the position and the company in the CV to show your respect 

● Make sure you are well prepared for the interview

  ● Beside the CV, you should prepare a cover letter as well as any letters of recommendation that help support your application to that specific position

● Avoid low value information in your CV, things like “works great with a team” or “self-driven” offer very little to the interviewer reading your resume

● Ultimately your CV should answer the question of why you are the best choice for the position

I hope you become successful!

