“6 Years Ago, I was given the opportunity to study in a country where I had never been before, to experience a culture to which I was completely unknown, and to learn my major in a language which nobody in my generation had ever learned. Here I am, markin

“6 Years Ago, I was given the opportunity to study in a country where I had never been before, to experience a culture to which I was completely unknown, and to learn my major in a language which nobody in my generation had ever learned. Here I am, marking the end of my story today.”

This was the graduation speech by Dr Jyotsnav Joynauth, a Mauritian Student who studied Western Medicine in the prestigious Zhejiang University taught fully in Chinese language.



Jyotsnav in Taishan Mountain in 2011 when he was learning Chinese.

Whenever he was sick as a kid, he was always fascinated by how the doctor would just put his stethoscope on his chest and know what is wrong with him. This was the sparkle which ignited his dream of being a doctor and helping people, in the very same way the doctor used to help him. 


While his dream of becoming a doctor was quite common for people in his age group, his path however, was definitely not the same as anybody else. After graduating from High School, and after much consideration, he chose to apply for the very competitive Chinese Government Scholarship. Among the 120 applicants, only 4 were chosen among which one was him.



Jyotsnav and his Family in Mauritius

“How can I get learn Chinese and get used to the culture more quickly?”


It was at this very time where he started to demarcate himself from the classical way of pursuing a degree in medicine. He learned Chinese language in just 8 months and passed his HSK Level 5 Exam (Level 4 is the entry requirement in Zhejiang University), which is already very hard. Then, he moved to Zhejiang University to study medicine taught in Chinese language. It was then that the real challenge started for this young man. 


He was brutally exposed to advanced chemistry, physics, biology mathematics, computer studies, computer programming…all taught in Chinese! Just to give the reader an idea, he had to know each and every element of the famous periodic table in Chemistry in Chinese by heart and all courses were examined in Chinese language. 


With his limited Chinese at that time, he faced mountainous difficulties to cope with. Moreover, medical terminologies were yet to appear in his second year, just to make things worse for him. For him to stay synchronized, he had to work in an extraordinary way, where fatigue was not allowed. How did he manage? 



Jyotsnav shooting a video to commemorate the 120 Anniversary of Zhejiang University.

When asked, He said “Studying your major in Chinese is just like formatting your brain’s Operating System from Windows English to Windows Chinese. It was extremely hard at the start but after continuously persevering in reading, translating and understanding the Chinese books, and with a determined mind, I was gradually getting used to it”. Now, he can read Chinese medical books in any branch of medicine, research papers in Chinese without the least obstacle. Needless to say that he can communicate and fully understand popular Chinese chatting terminology.


There was one time, when after full preparation, he obtained 59 marks in Chemistry. When he phoned the teacher to explain her the situation, she refused to help the already worried young man. The teacher clearly pointed out that her marking schemes and expectations are the same for everyone, from anywhere in the planet. This meant that he had to take another class on Sunday mornings for a full semester to do that exam again…just for 1 more mark! Jyotsnav felt a bit disappointed at the start but very soon, this became his weapon for fighting back and ignited the fire of hard working more than ever in him, making him stronger than ever.


With his hard work and determination, he successfully graduated this year and thanks to his excellent academic pursuit, he won another scholarship by Zhejiang University for his masters degree.


“I want to learn in tough conditions by being posted a in less sophisticated hospital”


In his final 2 years, Jyotsnav had to rotate in various hospitals for his internship. “From internal medicine to surgery, from Emergency Medicine to late-night surgeries, I had made very remarkable progress in terms of my knowledge and skills.” He said. What is more surprising is the fact that he obtained 99 marks out of 100 in two subjects namely Infectious Diseases and Medical Imaging.



Jyotsnav in Shaoxing Hospital.

In his 5th year, he was given the opportunity to go to Shaoxing People’s Hospital for 3 months as part of his training in internal medicine. He created history by being the first foreigner to rotate in that hospital. 


When asked why he did not choose to remain in Hangzhou, he said, “I want to go to less sophisticated hospitals to learn the precious skills involved in treating patients where medical resources are not abundant. I wanted to learn how to give the best possible treatment after your diagnosis, with the limited resources you have. This would be very helpful and make me competent to work in any type of medical environment.”



Jyotsnav participating as first assistant in a laparoscopy surgery,under the guidance of his professor.

He believes in a teaching hospital, patient should always be the first priority then teaching. So, if anybody actually wants to grasp maximum knowledge, they have to actively ask questions and participate in the first priority, only then the will be given opportunities.



Jyotsnav in Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital,Xiasha Branch.

“I want to become a masterpiece which is Made In Zhejiang University”


Despite the fact that he was always overloaded with his studies, he always tried to find for time for extracurricular activities. He was among the first ones who established the Alumni Association of Zhejiang University in Africa.


In 2015 he attended the inauguration ceremony of the Association with the Vice Chancellor of the University, Professor Luo Jian Hong. Likewise, he also participated in a video on the occasion of Zhejiang University’s 120th Anniversary.



 A screenshot of the 120th Anniversary Video of Zhejiang University,where Jyotsnav shared his experiences in China.

“I am Made In China, Made in Zhejiang University”. I would not have been able to achieve what I have today without the support of the Chinese Government. Being a doctor trained 100% according to Chinese standards, I would want to reflect the high level of education in China and Zhejiang University in my country and parallelly return to China and my University, anything which is of my capacity.



Eventually, Jyotsnav made his success in China.

He ended his graduation speech with tremendous applauds when he said that:

“Looking back at the last 5 years, I can proudly say that I have changed more than 90% as a person, be it on the personal front or professional front. This wonderful and prestigious school has equipped me with everything I need to be able to cope in this competitive world. I heartily thank the Chinese Government and the School for this wonderful journey I have had here. Always remember: Never underestimate a person made in Zheda. “


His speech ended with beautiful quote from President Xijinping :” The world will not have another Harvard, Oxford, Stanford, MIT or Cambridge. But it will definitely have a first Beida, Qinghua, Zheda, Fudan and Nanda.”


Nothing is impossible to a willing heart, instead of complaining it’s hard to learn and adapt to Chinese culture, Jyotsnav Joynauth, shows us a positive lifestyle. 


Do you want to share your novel experience with us? We are collecting stories related to life and work in China, if you are interested in telling a story, please kindly let us know.


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