A critically ill woman who moved millions of people with her cancer-fighting diary has died in China aged 29, according to Chinese media.

A critically ill woman who moved millions of people with her cancer-fighting diary has died in China aged 29, according to Chinese media.


Zhou Lin (pictured) continued to share inspiring words and smiley pictures on her social media account encouraging her readers to cherish life during her two-year breast cancer treatment Photo:Dailymail

Zhou Lin, who was better known by her screen name ‘Zhou Zhou Mei’er’, started to write about her battle against breast cancer after she was diagnosed with the illness in June, 2015.

Through her social media account, she continued to share inspiring words and smiley pictures, encouraging her readers to cherish life.

Zhou’s family said she passed away in the wee hours of November 27 at home in Shifang city, Sichuan Province, reported People’s Daily Online.


Her family announced the news of her death through the same account on WeChat, a Chinese chatting platform, and attached pictures of Zhou Lin smiling and enjoying life  Photo:Dailymail

The news has made waves in China, and many people said they have been deeply touched by Zhou’s positive attitude towards life as well as death.

Zhou’s family posted the news about Zhou’s death on her WeChat account.

It was through the same account that Zhou had inspired the public by uploading her thoughts and pictures during her medical treatment.

Even when she was seriously ill, Zhou always posted smiley and happy pictures on her account.


Many people in China said they had been touched by Zhou’s positive attitude towards life Photo:Dailymail

In October, 2016, Zhou was informed that her breast cancer cells had spread to her bones. The strong-willed woman encouraged herself in the digital diary: ‘If you can’t change it, then face it with bravery! Come on, Zhou Zhou Mei’er.’

She also wrote that she felt lucky to have bosses, colleagues, friends, relatives, friends of friends and friends of relatives who loved and cared about her.

She wrote: ‘God has been treating me well.’

Zhou also expressed a wish in her diary: ‘In my next life, I would find a man who loves me and chooses a wedding dress for me, then takes a set of wedding photos with me.’


Even when Zhou was seriously ill, she always posted smiley and happy pictures on her account Photo:Dailymail

Apart from penning emotional words, Zhou also travelled extensively in China when she was able because she wanted to realise her wish of ‘seeing the most beautiful scenery’ when she was alive, said the report.

She also started making herself ‘fruit and vegetable soup’ to help boost her immunity in 2016.

In an interview from May, 2016, Zhou thanked the public for helping her.

In the video released by China Central Television Station on its social media account, she said she would try to recover soon because she didn’t want to let down those who had been supporting her.


Zhou Lin (pictured) continued to share inspiring words and smiley pictures on her social media account encouraging her readers to cherish life during her two-year breast cancer treatment Photo:Dailymail

Zhou’s family said Zhou’s health deteriorated suddenly a few days before her death and she could not take in food.

Zhou’s doctor advised her family to bring her home from the hospital and to accompany her on November 26. Less than a day later, Zhou passed away.

Zhou’s family told local reporters that before she died and when she felt she was able to talk, she thanked her parents for ‘bringing me to this beautiful world’. She also thanked people for helping with her parents when she was fighting with cancer.


Her family said Zhou expressed her wish to donate her cornea and other organs after her death Photo:Dailymail

Her family said Zhou expressed her wish to donate her cornea and other organs after her death.

Through media, Zhou’s family expressed appreciation to the people who helped and encouraged Zhou in the past two years. They said Zhou would be happy in another world.

Zhou’s family also said that Zhou had received donations from the public during her treatment.

They said there were funds left and they would use the money to help more people, as Zhou wished.

