The concept of Chinese green card is different from that in western countries. One is that we usually call “Permanent Residence Card”, which has a validity of 5-year or 10-year. It’s a kind of residence visa…

Two Types of Chinese Green Cards

Type 1

The concept of Chinese green card is different from that in western countries. One is that we usually call “Permanent Residence Card”, which has a validity of 5-year or 10-year. It’s a kind of residence visa.


Type 2

In June 2016, Guangzhou introduced the “Talent’s Green Card” to attract non-local talents to the city by giving them equivalent treatments with Guangzhou citizens. Until May 31, 2017, the city has issued 2,377 talent green cards to both Chinese & foreigners.  “Talent’s Green Card” is not a kind of residence visa, but it enables you to get a long-term residence.


The application requirements for these two “Green Cards” are different, as well as the rights they entitle to its holders respectively. Let’s take a look!

Talent’s Green Card

Guangzhou has further improved the application process for the convenience of applicants. The improvements include upgrading the online application system, copy the link below and go to check!

Following is the simplified guide to get complete understanding and application guidances for talent’s green card.





Permanent Residence Card

There are three ways to get a Chinese permanent residence card, by working, investing and marriage. The applications are different and the requirement is considered very high by investing. 

We gave two articles on getting a Chinese permanent residence card by working and marriage.

How to Get a Chinese Green Card by Working in China?

How to Get a Chinese Green Card by Marriage?


For the second article, we give a clarification here, Chinese permanent residence card holders can work in China legally without a work permit, which is a good news for green card applicants.
