For most people, seeing Minnie Mouse evokes a happy feeling. However in this woman’s case, it’s a necessity in order to try and raise enough cash to pay for her daughter-in-law’s treatment. Yin Pizhi puts on a Minnie Mouse costume every day and charges

For most people, seeing Minnie Mouse evokes a happy feeling.  However in this woman’s case, it’s a necessity in order to try and raise enough cash to pay for her daughter-in-law’s treatment.  Yin Pizhi puts on a Minnie Mouse costume every day and charges between one and five yuan for a group photo to help her daughter who was injured in a car accident, reports Huanqiu, an affiliation with the People’s Daily Online. 


Tragic: Yin Pizhi dresses as Minnie Mouse and poses with tourists and charges for photos Photo:Dailymail

70-year-old Yin Pizhi dons a Minnie Mouse costume with the aim of collecting as much money as possible. 

Her daughter-in-law was injured in a car accident and remains in a critical condition.

She charges between one and five yuan for a group photo with all of the money going towards the cost of treating her daughter-in-law. 

The daughter-in-law named Wang Hai-mei has been at Ningjin County People’s Hospital for over 50 days. 


Yin Pizhi dresses as Minnie Mouse and poses for pictures to raise cash for her family Photo:Dailymail

She is still unconscious and has since been transferred to a larger hospital in Jinan. 

Pizhi says that her son has heart disease and has been on medication for a long time meaning that he cannot work. 

She says before the accident, the daughter-in-law did odd jobs to help keep the family afloat. Now that she is sick, the family does not have another source of income.  


Dressing up: The pensioner borrowed the costume from the son of a friend Photo:Dailymail

She is still unconscious and has since been transferred to a larger hospital in Jinan. 

Pizhi says that her son has heart disease and has been on medication for a long time meaning that he cannot work. 

She says before the accident, the daughter-in-law did odd jobs to help keep the family afloat. Now that she is sick, the family does not have another source of income.  


As the heat intensifies, working in the thick costume becomes more difficult for the woman Photo:Dailymail

In order to allow her daughter-in-law to get better treatment, Pizhi borrowed the costume from a friend’s son. 

As the heat in Jinan has increased, the pensioner has found it increasingly hard to keep up with the work. 

She can squat down and talk to the children however she needs constant breaks as it becomes too much.  


Yin says her son has heart disease and cannot work so it is up to her to raise the cash Photo:Dailymail


The pensioner needs to take constant breaks as posing in the costume is hard work Photo:Dailymail


She can squat down and talk to the children however at times it becomes too much Photo:Dailymail


Yin hopes to raise as much cash as possible to help pay for her daughter-in-law’s treatment Photo:dailymail

