I was so moved by this story that I couldn’t wait to share it with you all. This Australia girl was in love with her boyfriend Michael for many years since they’d been students together. She’s a former mining engineer and fitness enthusiast who has worke.


I was so moved by this story that I couldn’t wait to share it with you all.

This Australia girl was in love with her boyfriend Michael for many years since they’d been students together.

She’s a former mining engineer and fitness enthusiast who has worked as a model thanks to her good figure.

Her name is Turia Pitt.



Her boyfriend has a nice personality and a good figure too.

They have a common hobby: sports and fitness.

They have been in a sweet harmony, living a happy life together.

However, after a marathon, everything changed…

In 2011, she ran a marathon in Kimberley, Western Australia.

But midway, she was caught in a mountain fire.

By the time rescuers got her out of the fire, 65% of her body had been burned and she was in critical condition.




Fortunately, she was eventually snatched from the fire by rescuers before the fire could consume more of her body.

Turia survived more than 200 operations.

Her beautiful appearance was burned beyond recognition, and she lost seven fingers.



She was in bed for six months.

The only thing that came to her mind was death, 

but she was too weak to get up. Suicide was very difficult for her.


But Turia’s heart was warmed by her boyfriend’s constant accompany and her family.

At that time, she was like a baby in need of help at any time and anywhere. 

She needed help dressing, eating, going to the bathroom and doing everything. And throughout this whole process, Michael didn’t abandon her once.



He even quit his job to devote his time to Turia. 

He became her 24-hour bodyguard, 

taking care of her life and encouraging her to face the future with her head up.

He never thought about leaving for a moment, even when she was still in bed.

It turns out that true love needs no words.

No matter how your face changes, I just want to be with you.



Turia has recovered well with the accompany and encouragement of her loving significant other.



Someone asks Michael if he ever thought about paying someone to take care of Turia, leaving quietly and starting a new life. “What I like about her is her soul, her personality, and she is the only woman of my dreams,” Michael replies.




Turia wants to return to the marathon. 

In order to do that, she had to undergo even more intense exercises.

After lying down for nearly a year, the coordination and perception of her body declined rapidly.

There is no other shortcut, only practice and hard work. Never, ever, ever give up.




In 2014, she appeared on the marathon with confidence.

She had run one hour and forty minutes in the half marathon.



Fitness, rock climbing, swimming…

She continues on with all these sports.

After the disaster, her heart was filled with happiness and moved.




Turia became a role model and she began to appear on magazine covers.




She took part in charity activities to encourage people who had been hit hard by their fate.


Michael proposed to Turia in the Maldives in 2015.



Turia found out last year that she was pregnant.

Her husband was as happy as a child.




The little baby with the twinkling eyes was finally born earlier this year!!

Not only did I get excited and moved, but the whole world cheered for them.

God gave her the most handsome and best husband, and now they have the loveliest baby together.




The little baby with the twinkling eyes finally born this year. 

Not only did I get excited and moved, but the whole world cheered for them.

God gave her the most handsome and best husband and the loveliest baby.




May everyone is protected by the warmth and love, 

and live out their beauty.

And never never never give up for life.


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