On Wednesday, January 17 HiredChina.com and GuideinChina welcomed 120 people to the 2018 International Summit in Shekou.

The participants represented dozens of companies and service providers in Shenzhen. They came to network with each other and hear a

On Wednesday, January 17 HiredChina.com and GuideinChina welcomed 120 people to the 2018 International Summit in Shekou.

The participants represented dozens of companies and service providers in Shenzhen. They came to network with each other and hear about some great plans for 2018.

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Image: GiC Team

Jeff Johnson with GuideinChina spoke about three main ideas for 2018: building a service union of companies in Shenzhen, organizing a monthly bazaar in Shekou, and organizing a monthly HiredChina.com job fair.

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Image: GiC Team

The GuideinChina Service Union is a group of companies and service providers who cooperate and provide each other with mutual assistance. The union exists so that members can provide discounts and services to other members. Union members are able to use the venue at IESTREET free of charge, and they can place their promotional pamphlets at IESTREET.

Again, providing mutual assistance and benefits is the crux of this union. A coffee shop, for example, that joins the union could offer discount prices to other members, or a Mandarin training school could provide discounted lessons to other members.

Membership to this union costs only 200 RMB year! GuideinChina uses this money to maintain the union.

An additional benefit of this union include a 10% discount for any advertising on GuideinChina Wechat Platform! GuideinChina boasts nearly 170,000 followers and presents a great platform for businesses to advertise.

If you wish to advertise on GuideinChina, please contact Crystal Huang (scan QR Code at the bottom of the article).


Image: GiC Team


Image: GiC Team

GuideinChina Foreign Bazaar


In addition to the service union, Jeff discussed the GuideinChina foreign Bazaar. This monthly event will be held outside IESTREET in Shekou. Bazaar participants can set-up booths to promote their products or services.


Image: GiC Team

HiredChina.com Job Fair


Lastly, Jeff discussed the HiredChina.com job fair. This monthly job fair will also be held at IESTREET in Shekou. The job fair allows business from around China to meet talented expats. Any expat looking for a new career should be sure to attend this event!

Any company looking to recruit workers may rent a booth at the job fair. In addition to job booths, ten booths will be allocated to allow for non-recruitment promotion. For example, a coffee company may rent a booth at the job fair, sell its coffee, and promote its business.

If interested in promoting your company and finding foreign workers at the HiredChina.com International Job Fair, please contact Crystal Huang by scanning her QR Code below!


Image: GiC Team

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