The unbelievable story of survival – 10-year-old boy lives in the wild for 24 days by eating snakes and herbs after running away from his father who beat him

The unbelievable story of survival – 10-year-old boy lives in the wild for 24 days by eating snakes and herbs after running away from his father who beat him 

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The child surnamed Miu ran away from his home in China’s Yunnan province on June 29.

Miu made money collecting plastic bottles and trading them in for food money while on his journey.



Miu ran away after his father beat him however the reason behind the beating is unclear.

Unlike most runaway children, no one would expect a teen boy’s escape journey lasting nearly a month, until he was found by the local police last Saturday.


Miu also said that he found an abandoned truck that he also slept in along the way Photo:


Miu having a meal at a police station after being discovered.

He said he relied on family remedies for survival.

“In the first few days, it kept rainy and I got a fever,” Miu recounted his experience. “Then I remembered my family boiling dandelion as medicine, so I collected a broken bowl and a lighter to prepare a herbal tea as a medicine.”


Photo: Off The Grid News

After recovering from illness, Miu said he made travel plans to head to Chongqing Municipality, which is nearly 500 kilometers away from his hometown.

In his detailed recount recorded by the police, Miu told his unbelievable experiences on the way.


The boy’s father has since apologised for his actions Photo:

” I slept either on wet leaves in the wilderness or on straws in farmers’ warehouses,” Miu was recorded saying.

The boy also reported that he slept in an abandoned truck that was left on the side of the highway after a traffic accident.



Detailed record of Miu’s daily experience. Photo: Photo

Asked if he was scared, the boy said, “No, I was not afraid and I had a good rest.”

In order to eat, the boy picked fruit from trees and then also collected plastic bottles, selling them for cash which was then used to buy food.


Photo: Inhabitat


Miu’s bag with food inside. Photo:

Last Saturday, just as Miu said he was getting used to his journey, a group of police officers on patrol found him. 

After learning about the boy’s situation, local police contacted Miu’s father, who traveled overnight to pick up his son.

The boy’s father told reporters: ‘Now I realise my education method is problematic. It was wrong to lash out at my son as a way to educate him.’  

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