As the Lonley Planet said: Autumn is the most spectacular season, a last hurrah before the bitter winds of winter take hold.
Pull on your walking boots and head to one of these stunning destinations to witness glorious autumn colour.

As the Lonley Planet said: Autumn is the most spectacular season, a last hurrah before the bitter winds of winter take hold.

Pull on your walking boots and head to one of these stunning destinations to witness glorious autumn colour. We promise that as you crunch through the fallen leaves, the dazzling views won’t fail to impress.


1.  Jiuzhaigou/九寨沟

Jiuzhaigou Valley in the northern part of Sichuan Province always reminds us of the heaven on earth, especially in fall.

Location: Sichuan Province

Transportation: By plane/ bus




2.  Red Leaves Valley红叶谷-Jilin Province

At this time of year, large areas of red leaves are turning golden creating a spectacular scene.

Location: Jiaohe City, Jilin Province

Transportation: By train/bus




3.Qianhuashan Mountain千湖山

Qianhushan is called in Tibetan Lamudongzuo, meaning A Thousand Lakes of Goddess or A Thousand Lakes of Fairy. Covering a total area of 150 square kilometers, it is located at a place where is 3900 meters or 4000 meters above the sea level with Sanbihai Lake and Daheihai Lake being in the center.

Location: Shangri-La, Yunnan

Transportation: Bus


4.  GA lu Lake 嘎鲁图湖

Mid-May to mid-September and November to February are the best periods to visit the region. The former period is best for viewing the flourishing grassland and latter period is better for viewing the grand snowscape.

Location: Inner Mongolia

Transportation: Bus



5.  Daocheng Yading 稻城亚丁

Yading in Daocheng County of southwest China’s Sichuan Province was once mistaken for Shangri-La by American explorer Joseph Rock in 1928 due to its breathtaking scenery. In autumn, you can travel and hike here to see red grasslands, colorful trees, snow mountains and original villages and relax at one of the quietest and purest place on earth.

Location: Sichuan

Transportation: Bus




6.  Miyaluo 米亚罗

Situated 263km northwest to Chengdu, Miyaluo is a scenic area known for its seasonal richly colorful leaves all over the wild. While a traverse from Bipengou (毕棚沟)to Siguniang (四姑娘山) is favored by a small portion of Chinese outdoor enthusiasts in recent years.

Location: Sichuan

Transportation: Bus



7.  Shennongjia Forest Region 神龙架

Shennongjia Natural Reserve is a treasure trove of wildlife renowned since Emperor Shennong, who visited the mountains searching for herbs and using a ladder to collect some of the most precious ones from the rocks. Shennong is best known as the writer of one of the first Materia Medica. Hence the name Shennongjia, meaning the “Ladder of Shennong”.

Location: Hubei

Transportation: Bus





8.  Tianping Mountain 天平山

Tianping Mountain is located in the west of Lingyan Mountain in Suzhou and is at an elevation of 211 metres. It is named Tianping Mountain because of its smooth top. It has another name, Baiyun(white cloud) Mountain, because the top of the mountain is often surrounded by clouds.

Location: Suzhou

Transportation: By train/plane/bus



9.  Tengchong腾冲

Tengchong is a laid-back small town in a remote corner of western Yunnan province. Located in a former volcanic region ( there are a lots of hot-springs outside of town), Tengchong was an important stop on trade routes, namely the Tea and Horse Road (茶马古道) and the Jade Road.


Transportation: By plane and bus




10.  Bosten Lake博斯腾湖

Bosten Lake (bó sī téng hú 博斯腾湖) is a freshwater lake located 57 km (35 mi) northeast of Korla (kù ěr lè 库尔勒), Xinjiang, China in the Bayin’gholin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture. It is the largest lake in Xinjiang and the biggest inland freshwater lake in China.


Transportation: Bus



